
Payment Options

Below are some other purchase options for your added purchase convenience. Select the one you'd like to use and follow the directions outlined below. As of we accept any of these types of payment.

Payment Options Menu: Select your payment. (or scroll down to view your options)

Credit Card Cash App
Bank Transfer Western Union
Bitcoin Money Gram
Cash Google Pay
PayPal Wire Transfer
Ethereum Interact
All other options Coinmama
Need more help? Skrill or Neteller or Other e-wallets

We accept most every payment method: There's several different payment options shown below. Scroll down and select the best option for you below. We offer these different options to better accomodate a global audiance needing to pay using different payment methods. If you need any help please contact us and a client support specialist will be ready to assist you. Thank you.

Trouble-shooting: In case you're trying to place an order, but experiencing any errors or difficulties, in most cases your best option is to simply try one of the other payment options available. Also you can do the following:

1) Review our help section here. Or 2) contact us and let us know what's happening, we will be able to assist you further.

If you need any help please contact us and a client support specialist will be ready to assist you. Thank you.


roll-up Credit Card Option #1: [top]

Click here: Abra Credit Card Option   Then click on the "Buy" button and follow the instructions provided.

Supported countries: Worldwide

Send payment to our bitcoin wallet

Example: Send exactly 997 USD in BTC to: (copy and paste the blue code below, or scan the QR Code to the left)



(NOTE: If you'd prefer to transfer to your own bitcoin wallet first, that's perfectly fine. You'll need to first set up your own bitcoin wallet.)

This option allow for online bitcoin purchases using your credit card. Some verification required. If for some reason it doesn't work, or you encounter any issues, then try using one of several alternatives from this page.

Once you've completed making payment, then click "Confirm Payment" below.

  1. Decide on the Membership you want. The prices are listed below.
Choose Your Membership  (Save 50% off for a limited time only)
Basic 150 signups
$997    USD
Advanced 700 signups
$1997  USD
VIP 2000 signups
$2997  USD

roll-up Credit Card Option #2: [top]

Click here:   Then click on the "Buy" tab.

Supported countries: Worldwide

Use Bitcoin Address (copy and paste this address shown in blue):



(NOTE: If you'd prefer to transfer to your own bitcoin wallet first, that's perfectly fine. You'll need to first set up your own bitcoin wallet.)

This option allow for online bitcoin purchases using your credit card. Some verification required. If for some reason it doesn't work, or you encounter any issues, then try using one of several alternatives from this page.

Once you've completed making payment, then click "Confirm Payment" below.


roll-up Credit Card Option #3: [top]

Click here:
SendWyre Option   Then click on the "Buy" button and follow the instructions provided.

Supported countries: Worldwide

Use Bitcoin Address (copy and paste this address shown in blue):


(NOTE: If you'd prefer to transfer to your own bitcoin wallet first, that's perfectly fine. You'll need to first set up your own bitcoin wallet.)

This option allow for online bitcoin purchases using your credit card. Some verification required. If for some reason it doesn't work, or you encounter any issues, then try using one of several alternatives from this page.

Once you've completed making payment, then click "Confirm Payment" below.

roll-up Credit Card Option #4: (most countries supported) [top]

Click here:  (a new window will open. Open a new account on if you don't have one)

Detailed Video Instructions: Click Here

Step 1: On your Smartphone go to the App Store. Search for: Then download the " App". Then open the app.

Step 2: Using the App, now click on the "Buy" button. And choose: Bitcoin (BTC). Purchase bitcoin in the amount of the membership you want below; by using your credit card or debit card.

Step 3: After you've purchased your bitcoin with your credit card. Then click "Transfer" and then click "Withdraw BTC"

Step 4: Send Bitcoin Coin this Bitcoin Address (copy and paste this address shown in blue):


Step 5:
After you've completed your credit card order, and you've successfully transfered that bitcoin to our address, then please click here to send us confirmation of your payment.

Choose Your Membership  (Save 50% off for a limited time only)
Basic 150 signups
$997    USD
Advanced 700 signups
$1997  USD
VIP 2000 signups
$2997  USD

Supported countries: Available in most countries

(NOTE: If you'd prefer to transfer to your own bitcoin wallet first, that's perfectly fine. You'll need to first set up your own bitcoin wallet.)

This option allows for online bitcoin purchases using your credit card. Some verification might be required.

Once you've completed making payment, then click "Confirm Payment" below.

roll-up Credit Card Option #5: [top]

You'll complete your payment using Credit Card. We use a partner site "Coinmama". They take major all major credit cards on their ultra high security, globally recognized sites. Choose which one you're more familiar with or more comfortable using.

  1. Click on the package you want here
  2. Fill out the form to sign up
  3. On the next screen select the payment method: "Credit Card"
  4. Follow the instructions outlined on that payment page to complete payment using credit card

Once you've completed making payment, then click "Confirm Payment" below.

Choose Your Membership  (Save 50% off for a limited time only)
Basic 150 signups
$997    USD
Advanced 700 signups
$1997  USD
VIP 2000 signups
$2997  USD

roll-up Credit Card Option #6: (select countries only) [top]

Click here:  (a new window will open. Open a new account on Switchere if you don't have one)

Detailed Video Instructions: Click Here

Step 1: Click "Register" in the top right.

Step 2: Purchase bitcoin in the amount of the membership you want below.

Step 3: Send Bitcoin Coin this Address (copy and paste this address shown in blue):


Step 4: After you've completed your credit card order, please then click here to send us confirmation of your payment.

Choose Your Membership  (Save 50% off for a limited time only)
Basic 150 signups
$997    USD
Advanced 700 signups
$1997  USD
VIP 2000 signups
$2997  USD

Supported countries: Available in all countries (except the US)

(NOTE: If you'd prefer to transfer to your own bitcoin wallet first, that's perfectly fine. You'll need to first set up your own bitcoin wallet.)

This option allows for online bitcoin purchases using your credit card. Some verification might be required.

Once you've completed making payment, then click "Confirm Payment" below.

roll-up Credit Card Option #7: (select countries supported) [top]

Click here:  (a new window will open.)

Step 1: Go Make sure the slider is on: Buy Bitcoin

Step 2: Select your currency type. ie: USD

Step 3: Click on "enter amount". Enter the amount you want to transfer. It should be equal to the amount of the membership plan you want. (Membership plans listed below)

Step 4: Then click on where it says "enter your wallet". Copy and paste this wallet address shown in blue below into that section:


Step 5: Then click on "create order". And follow the remaining steps.

Step 6: After you've completed your credit card order, then please click here to send us confirmation of your payment.

Step 7: You will receive a welcome email from us with your login information and instructions to get started using our system.

roll-up Credit Card Option #8: (select countries supported) [top]

Click here:  (a new window will open.)

Step 1: Click on "enter amount". Enter the amount you want to transfer. It should be equal to the amount of the membership plan you want. (Membership plans listed below)

Step 2: Select your currency type. Left: Your currency > Right: BTC (you might need to use the google currency converter to ensure you're buying the right amount if you're not using USD. ie: Google Search: currency converter. That brings up the converter. Example: USD: type in 197. Then that will show how much of your own currency that comes to.

Step 3: Then click on where it says "your btc address". Copy and paste this wallet address shown in blue below into that section:


Step 5: Under Payment method, click to select your payment method. ie: Card payments (credit card).

Step 6: Click the "I Authorize..." check box. Then click "Next".

Step 6: Enter your card info, billing, contact info. Then click "next". Then follow the remaining steps to complete your order.

Step 6: After you've completed your credit card order, then please click here to send us confirmation of your payment.

Step 7: You will receive a welcome email from us with your login information and instructions to get started using our system.

roll-up Credit Card Option #9: [top]

Click here:  A new window will open. Open a new account if you don't have one.

Notice: Coinbase is one of the top rated bitcoin exchanges online. But we don't recommend them as a first option. Mainly because typically there can be some delays using their service. You can still use it and it's definitely one of the more user friendly websites, but it's not an instant payment option. The main thing is it works.

They take both: 1) credit card payments or 2) bank transfers. So you can use either one.

Instruction Video: This is how to use Coinbase click here

Step 1: Click Buy Now. Set up an account on Coinbase.
Step 2: The login and click on the "Buy/Sell" tab at the top
Step 3: Next add your payment method. ie: Credit Card, Bank account, or other.
Step 4: Click the "Buy/Sell" tab. Then enter the Amount of the package your ordering in USD. Then click buy bitcoin to complete the purchase. (now the bitcoin is in your account)
Step 5:

Next click on Accounts. Under "BTC Wallet" click send. Under "Recipient" enter this code:


For "Amount" enter the amount of the package your buying or click on: "Send max". Then click "Continue". Confirm payment and click "Send". (This transfers your payment to us to complete your order).

Step 6: After you've completed your credit card order, please then click here to send us confirmation of your payment.


Choose Your Membership  (Save 50% off for a limited time only)
Basic 150 signups
$997    USD
Advanced 700 signups
$1997  USD
VIP 2000 signups
$2997  USD

Supported countries: Most countries

roll-up Credit Card Option #10: [top]

Click here: PAXFUL -  A new window will open. Open a new account if you don't have one.

They take both:   A) Credit Card Payments    or    B) Bank Transfers
(and some other types of payment also). So you can use either one.

Instruction Video: This is how to use paxful  video instructions

Step 1: Decide if you're going to buy a: Basic, Advanced, or VIP Membership. The prices are listed below.
Step 2: Click Buy Now. Set up an account on Paxful.
Step 3: The login and click on the "Buy Bitcoin" tab at the top
Step 4: Choose one of the available bitcoin merchants/sellers to buy from
Step 5: Then enter the Amount of the package your ordering in USD. Then click buy bitcoin to complete the purchase. (now the bitcoin is in your account)
Step 6:

Next click on Accounts. Under "BTC Wallet" click send. Under "Recipient" enter this code:


For "Amount" enter the amount of the package your buying or click on: "Send max". Then click "Continue". Confirm payment and click "Send". (This transfers your payment to us to complete your order).

Step 7: After you've completed your credit card order, please then click here to send us confirmation of your payment.


Choose Your Membership  (Save 50% off for a limited time only)
Basic 150 signups
$997    USD
Advanced 700 signups
$1997  USD
VIP 2000 signups
$2997  USD

roll-up Credit Card Option #11: [top]

Click here:  (a new window will open open a new account if you don't have one)

Detailed Video Instructions: Click Here

Step 1: Click "Register" in the top right. Here's the instructions to buy your bitcoin: click here

Step 2: After you buy your bitcoin then transfer it to us using the instructions shown here: click here You'll send it to the bitcoin address you see in blue below. Copy and paste that bitcoin address you see below into Bianance (do not type it).

Step 3: Send Bitcoin Coin this Address (copy and paste this address shown in blue):


Step 4: After you've completed your credit card order, please then click here to send us confirmation of your payment.

Choose Your Membership  (Save 50% off for a limited time only)
Basic 150 signups
$997    USD
Advanced 700 signups
$1997  USD
VIP 2000 signups
$2997  USD

Supported countries: only certain countries

(NOTE: If you'd prefer to transfer to your own bitcoin wallet first, that's perfectly fine. You'll need to first set up your own bitcoin wallet.)

This option allow for online bitcoin purchases using your credit card. Some verification might be required.

Once you've completed making payment, then click "Confirm Payment" below.

roll-up Credit Card Option #12: [top]

Click here:   Then click on: Purchase "BTC" (not BCH).

Supported countries: Worldwide

Use Bitcoin Core Address (copy and paste this address shown in blue):


(NOTE: If you'd prefer to transfer to your own bitcoin wallet first, that's perfectly fine. You'll need to first set up your own bitcoin wallet.)

This option allow for online bitcoin purchases using your credit card. Some verification required. If for some reason it doesn't work, or you encounter any issues, then try using one of several alternatives from this page.

Once you've completed making payment, then click "Confirm Payment" below.

roll-up Credit Card Option #13: [top]

Click here:
MoonPay Option   Then click on the "Buy" button and follow the instructions provided.

Supported countries: Worldwide

Use Bitcoin Address (copy and paste this address shown in blue):


(NOTE: If you'd prefer to transfer to your own bitcoin wallet first, that's perfectly fine. You'll need to first set up your own bitcoin wallet.)

This option allow for online bitcoin purchases using your credit card. Some verification required. If for some reason it doesn't work, or you encounter any issues, then try using one of several alternatives from this page.

Once you've completed making payment, then click "Confirm Payment" below.


roll-up Canadian Option - Credit Card Option #13: [top]

Click here:   They offer various ways for people in Canada to buy bitcoin. After you get your bitcoin send here:

Bitcoin Address (copy and paste this address shown in blue):


Once you've completed making payment, then click "Confirm Payment" below.

roll-up Australia Option - Credit Card Option #14: [top]

Click here:   They offer various ways for people in Australia to buy bitcoin. After you get your bitcoin send here:

Bitcoin Address (copy and paste this address shown in blue):


Once you've completed making payment, then click "Confirm Payment" below.

roll-up Bank Transfer Option: [top]  

You can make payment by transfering direct from your bank account. You'll do this using either of the two options below:

Option #1: Paxful. (this payment method is instant)

You'll complete your payment using Bank Transfer. We use a partner site "Paxful". This will allow you to instantly and safely complete payment using bank transfer. They're a bitcoin exchange. So you'll buy bitcoin using bank transfer as your method of payment. Then you'll tranfer the bitcoin to us to complete your payment.

  1. Decide if you're going to buy a: Basic, Advanced, or VIP Membership. The prices are listed below.

  2. Click here to go to Paxful to order bitcoin in the amount of your membership Click Here (a new window will open)

  3. Follow the steps on Paxful to buy bitcoin in the amount of the Membership you want to buy (video instructions)

  4. Once you've successfully purchased the bitcoin, now simple complete the transfer to our bitcoin account using these instructions

    Send payment to our bitcoin wallet

    Example: Send exactly 997 USD in BTC to: (copy and paste the blue code below, or scan the QR Code to the left)



  5. That completes your payment to us. Once you've completed making payment, then click "Confirm Payment" below.


Option #2: Coinbase. (this method also works but your funds could be held by coinbase for potentially 14 days)

Click on the membership package you want and follow the instructions above to complete your Bank Transfer: (click on the membership you want)

Choose Your Membership  (Save 50% off for a limited time only)
Basic 150 signups
$997    USD
Advanced 700 signups
$1997  USD
VIP 2000 signups
$2997  USD


Once you've completed making payment, then click "Confirm Payment" below.

roll-up Bitcoin Option: [top]   To do a bitcoin transfer:

You can make payment by using bitcoin online. Click on the package you want, then click on "Bitcoin", and follow the instructions outlined on that page:

Use Bitcoin Coin Address (copy and paste this address shown in blue):


Choose Your Membership  (Save 50% off for a limited time only)
Basic 150 signups
$997    USD
Advanced 700 signups
$1997  USD
VIP 2000 signups
$2997  USD

Once you've completed making payment, then click "Confirm Payment" below.

roll-up Other Bitcoin Payment Options: [top]

If you tried using coinbase but for some reason was not successful. (ie: they don't run in your country) then here's a few alternatives. They allow you to buy bitcoin. Once you buy your bitcoin using your credit card, or bank transfer, then you can complete payment for your membership by transfering the bitcoin to us. You'll transfer your payment to this bitcoin address:



Coinmama   worldwide  /  similiar to coinbase  /  popular  (best option)   popular  /  no ID required  /  Accepts all payment types: paypal, credit cards, bank, more (best option)   popular  /  similiar to coinbase   popular  /  Accepts almost all payment types   popular  /  Accepts almost all payment types   popular  /  PayPal and Credit Cards Accepted  /  ID upload required

Coinbase   Select countries only  /  user friendly  /  popular   /  up to 14 day delays   Strike app is available in the United States (excluding Hawaii and New York) Video tutorial

Cash Money  popular  /  very easy /  pay at your local bitcoin atm / for locations Google search: bitcoin ATM

*NOTE: If you have a problem, or want to see how any of these work, just do a youtube search for the name of the processor you want to use from above. ie: "how to use coinmama" ...or... "how to use Paxful" . That will bring up the latest video showing you how to use their payment system. You'll simply purchase bitcoin using their system and then send it to us as payment to this bitcoin address:


**NOTE: if you tried all these and can't seem to get bitcoin exchanges to work, then you can always use just a cash payment. It can be sent to us directly using your local bitcoin ATM. Follow the steps here.

Once you've completed making payment, then click "Confirm Payment" below.

roll-up PayPal Options: [top]  You can buy bitcoin using your PayPal account, then transfer the bitcoin to us. You can use any of these 3 sites to buy bitcoin with PayPal.

Another option would be to withdraw your PayPal funds back to your bank account. Then once you have the funds back in your bank, you can use one of our other payment options such as paying by cash here.

Then you will transfer the bitcoin to us at this bitcoin address: (copy and paste):  bc1qxj9xrdmqjy548hrh2ezd7thd6j44jyr38898rg   (accepts PayPal)   (accepts PayPal)   (accepts PayPal)

Choose Your Membership  (Save 50% off for a limited time only)
Basic 150 signups
$997    USD
Advanced 700 signups
$1997  USD
VIP 2000 signups
$2997  USD

Send to this address: (copy and paste this code below)


After sending payment to the above address click "Confirm Payment" below.

Cash App Payment Options: [
top]  U.S. Residents Only: This is one of the fastest and easiest order options we have. Just take out your smartphone, download the Cash App and send payment. Follow the steps below to begin. Random Cash App: Video Instructions

STEP 1: Download the cash app:
Or... in your smart phone app store search: Cash App. The icon looks like this:

STEP 2: Register and link your banking info.

STEP 3: Buy bit coin in the amount of level of membership you want. (price list below)

STEP 4: Send the bitcoin to this address below in blue:

Send payment using your bitcoin wallet

Example: Send exactly 997 USD in BTC to: (copy and paste the blue code below, or scan the QR Code to the left)



STEP 5: After sending payment in bitcoin to the above address click "Confirm Payment" below.

Choose Your Membership  (Save 50% off for a limited time only)
Basic 150 signups
$997    USD
Advanced 700 signups
$1997  USD
VIP 2000 signups
$2997  USD

Online Wallets Option: [

If you use or are comfortable with using any kind of online wallet such as:

Skrill, Neteller, Google Pay, Apple Pay, PayPal, Perfect Money, Venmo, PaySafe Card, WebMoney, OKPay, ECO, UPay Card, or some other e-wallet.

Any of these can be used to easily make your payment online using our partner site: Paxful, (just below) which will allow you to buy bitcoin using most any online wallet.

To complete your payment using most any online wallet.

  1. Decide if you're going to buy a: Basic, Advanced, or VIP Membership. The prices are listed below.

  2. Click here to go to Paxful to order bitcoin in the amount of your membership Click Here (a new window will open)

  3. Follow the steps on Paxful to buy bitcoin in the amount of the Membership you want to buy (video instructions)

  4. Once you've successfully purchased the bitcoin, now simple complete the transfer to our bitcoin account using these instructions

    Send payment to our bitcoin wallet

    Example: Send exactly 997 USD in BTC to: (copy and paste the blue code below, or scan the QR Code to the left)



  5. That completes your payment to us. Once you've completed making payment, then click "Confirm Payment" below.

Choose Your Membership  (Save 50% off for a limited time only)
Basic 150 signups
$997    USD
Advanced 700 signups
$1997  USD
VIP 2000 signups
$2997  USD

roll-up Popular Wire Transfer Options: [top]

If you use or are comfortable with using most any popular wire transfer service such as:

  • Wester Union or...

  • Money Gram

  • TransferWise

  • Xoom
  • PayPal

  • WorldRemit

  • Ria Money Transfer

  • XE   (and many more payment options...)

Those too can be used to easily make your payment online.

What you can do is log onto PAXFUL main link to buy bitcoin (you select currency and payment type) -

DIRECT LINKS: (all other payment methods. Most payment method are available)

STEP 1: Click on one of the 3 links above. Then simply select your: "Amount", "Currency" and "Payment Type" then click "find best".

STEP 2: On the next screen you'll create a bitcoin wallet. Then simply click on "Create Free Account".

STEP 3: Follow the instructions and steps to buy your bitcoin provided on PAXFUL

STEP 4: After you've bought the Bitcoin using your online wallet. Then send the bitcoin to this address below in blue:

Send payment using your bitcoin wallet

Example: Send exactly 997 USD in BTC to: (copy and paste the blue code below, or scan the QR Code to the left)



STEP 5: After sending payment in bitcoin to the above address click "Confirm Payment" below.

Choose Your Membership  (Save 50% off for a limited time only)
Basic 150 signups
$997    USD
Advanced 700 signups
$1997  USD
VIP 2000 signups
$2997  USD

Option 2: (this company is another top rated place to buy bitcoin. They accept most every payment method) - This is how to use click here . Localbitcoins allows you to use a variety of different payment methods to purchase bitcoin. Once you do that, just transfer your payment to our bitcoin address below (shown in blue). Once you do that send us the payment confirmation here and we'll open your account and get started. Thanks.


roll-up OTHER: [top]

Home: To go back to the index page to see the memberships from the beginning. click here

Instruction Video: This is how to use Coinbase click here

Instruction Video: This is how to use Binance click here - This is how to use click here . Localbitcoins allows you to use a variety of different payment methods to purchase bitcoin. Once you do that, just transfer your payment to our bitcoin address below (shown in blue). Once you do that send us the payment confirmation here and we'll open your account and get started. Thanks.

Instruction Video: This is how to use Coinmama click here
(easy way to order with credit card. You'll buy bitcoin with your credit card. Then send the bitcoin to our bitcoin address here:

Example: Send exactly 997 USD in BTC to: (copy and paste the blue bitcoin code below, or scan the QR Code to the left)



roll-up Help: [top]

Please Read: Still having difficulty making payment. No problem. In the rare event sometimes one of these methods might not work for everyone. Depending on for example what country you're located in. Below we'll try and walk you through a few solutions ok.

Troubleshooting: Here are a few options to try to solve your issue:

1) Contact Us: click here - Let us know what "country" you're located in, and what "method of payment" you're wanting to use. ie: Credit card, Bank transfer, or other. And we will help walk you through how to complete your order.

2) Bitcoin: This is a superfast way to pay. But lets say the bitcoin options we provided such as using "coinmama" aren't working for you for some reason. This could happen depending on your geography.

  • So what you'll do is Google Search: your country name + buy bitcoin. ie: US buy bitcoin ie: Australia buy bitcoin. or ie: UK buy bitcoin. This will bring up the latest and best options available to someone in your country. You'll be able to make your purchase using your major credit card, or bank transfer. That will allow you to buy the bitcoin in the amount of your order.

  • Then you'll simply transfer it to our bitcoin address displayed below in "Blue". So for example to order a Standard Membership you'll buy $997 worth of BTC. Then just transfer that BTC to our address below. It's an easy way to complete your transaction.

  • Once you've completed transfering the bitcoin to our address, then to confirm your payment click here

Example: Send exactly 997 USD in BTC to: (copy and paste the blue code below, or scan the QR Code to the left)



3) Cash: click here - Cash payments are very easy to do as well. Just go to your bank or ATM. Withdraw the amount of cash required to complete your purchase. Then go to your local Bitcoin ATM, and deposit the cash. The bitcoin atm will ask you for the bitcoin address you want to deposit to. Use our bitcoin address shown above.

Still need assistance? No problem, please contact us here. Let us know how we can help. We'll get back to promptly. Thank you for your business. We look forward to working with you to reach your network marketing goals.



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